You can not see it, hear it, feel it or smell it; yet it controls our lives and demands almost our every move from when to get right up to when we are asleep. It can be calculated very effectively by atomic clocks and yet time is one of many Universes most peculiar features.
It's only been because the work of Einstein and his specific relativity at the turn of the past century that people have begun to collect an awareness at what time is. Thanks to Einstein and the others that followed his work our understanding of time has led to new technologies such as computers, satellite navigation, community time servers (computer synchronisation devices) and atomic clocks.
However, the ideas developed following Einstein's work have discovered some amazing and freakish facts about time - listed below are five things you perhaps did not know about time:
5. Time has not always existed; it began at the moment of the big bang but before then there was no time (just like there was no universe). If the universe eventually contracts (in what some theorists call the big crunch) and the universe returned to just one point in space (singularity) then time would come to a conclusion (along with everything else in the universe).
4. Time isn't a continuing as was first thought (by Issac Newton amongst others), thank to Einstein we now know time is relative and is going to be vary to different observers depending on their position and speed. The quicker an is going the more time decreases and near to the velocity of light (in a vacuum which is the only real constant in a world) time will essentially stand still making a million year long journey whizz by in seconds this really is know as time dilation.
3.Time isn't an individual component of the universe it's in fact part of the very fabric of space and is connected in what Einstein termed a four-dimensional space time.
2. Place time could be 'deformed' by gravity which in place decelerates time that means the more gravity there is, the slower time will go. Interestingly it's been measures to such a degree by atomic clocks and ensures that your feet are actually younger compared to the top-of your mind.
1.Time travel isn't just a fantasy created by science fiction writers in reality time travel is theoretically possible in accordance with modern physicists although critics claim our technology can never be advanced enough to achieve it, otherwise where are all the time travellers from the future?
Atomic clocks mean we could now measure time very accurately (to in just a 2nd every 100 million years). Modern computer networks use NTP computers (network time protocol) to match to an atomic clock which allows computers all around the world to communicate in perfect time synchronization.
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